End excessively long showers.
The Happy Dad Valve Is on the Way!
When The Happy Dad Valve detects that a shower has exceeded the time limit you choose, it begins to slowly close off the flow of water. The closing valve simulates running out of hot water or completely stops the flow of water to the showerhead, depending on how it is installed. In both cases, the slow-closing action provides warning and time for the shower user to finish before the water becomes uncomfortably cold or stops. The Happy Dad Valve is both eco-friendly and money-saving.
The Happy Dad Valve Story
The Happy Dad Valve was the idea of a not-so-happy dad who was frustrated with his teenager wasting every drop of hot water at every shower. Finally fed up, the dad built and installed the first model over a weekend. The dad shared his creation and new-found happiness on social media and the requests from friends and strangers alike poured in. The decision to make a commercially manufactured model was made, a patent application was filed, and the redesign began. Currently in the second redesign, we are collaborating with professional electronics designers to ensure maximum reliability, benefit, ease of use, and the most affordable price tag possible. We currently hope to begin taking pre-orders via Kickstarter as early as June 2022. Please leave us your email address to receive occasional updates and be the first to know when orders are open. We will never share or sell your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
(U.S. patent pending #63/362,454)